Phone: Teneriffe 0450 088 224 or Hawthorne 0449 768 388

Response to COVID-19 Outbreak Policy


1.1 Scratchers Nails (“the Company”) has an obligation to provide a work environment without risks to health and safety, so far as is reasonably practicable. This obligation includes eliminating or minimising, so far as is reasonably practicable, the risks associated with exposure to disease/s including but not limited to COVID-19.

1.2 This policy and procedure aims to assist the Company to assess and manage exposure to disease/s, and thereby meet or exceed its obligations under current legislation.


2.1 This policy applies to all employees, contractors and their employees, and all visitors whilst at Company premises.

2.2 This policy allows the Company to respond to the ever-evolving COVID-19 pandemic, changes in legislation and government health directives, as well as taking proactive steps to ensure the health and safety of each individual on a Company premises.

2.3 As a temporary policy, it is in place for a limited time, from November 2021 until removed by notification in writing. This policy will be reviewed as needed.

2.4 Where a policy is already in place on a topic within this policy, this policy does not override the entire policy already in place but amends the aspects of them that are listed in this document. Both documents should be used in conjunction with each other.


3.1 All employees are aware of the Company’s commitment to WHS and that they have a role to play in creating a culture of safety. Relevant legislation, regulations, codes of practice, State and Commonwealth Government directives (including health directives) and lawful Company directions must be adhered to at all times.

3.2 Management is responsible for:

(a) the provision and maintenance of the workplace in a safe condition;

(b) the development and implementation of safety policy and procedure;

(c) the training of employees in the safe performance of their tasks; and

(d) the provision of any resources required to meet safety obligations.

3.3 Employees are responsible for:

(a) following this policy and all health and safety directives of the Company;

(b) utilising all resources provided by the Company to manage the safety of everyone in the workplace;

(c) reporting all known and observed hazards to Joanne or your supervisor for the day;

(d) reporting any non-compliance with this policy to Joanne or your supervisor for the day; and

(e) taking reasonable and sensible care of themselves and others who might be affected by their actions within the workplace.


4.1 Presently in Australia, there are cases of community transmission of COVID-19.

4.2 As new strains of COVID-19 develop, the health advice is that these strains become more contagious and easily transmitted.

4.3 Prior to attending work during any period of government ordered lockdown, or where government ordered restrictions are in place, such as a heath directive for the wearing of facemasks, employees should consider seeking medical advice as to their fitness for work.

4.4 At all times employees are obligated to monitor government advised exposure sites and to immediately isolate and advise the Company if they have been to any of those exposure sites or are considered a close or casual contact.

Not attending work when unwell

5.2 No employee can attend a Company premises or any other location for work (such as undertake travel or attend external meetings) if they are unwell and/or displaying any cold and flu-like symptoms, including (but not limited to) a fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath.

5.3 Any employee, contractor or visitor (including clients) to a Company site while symptomatic, or suspected by the Company of being symptomatic may be required to have their temperature taken or may be asked to leave Company premises until they are symptom free.

5.4 Any employee who has any symptoms of COVID-19, or has a medical certificate, must take personal leave until they are well enough to work from the workplace and they have received a negative COVID-19 test result and provide evidence of the same to the Company. The personal leave will either be paid or unpaid, dependent on the individual employees’ accrual balance.

Wear Face Masks

5.5 Where social distancing is not possible, at any time where there is a government directive in place for the wearing of masks that covers a Company premises, or as otherwise required by the Company, all employees, contractors and visitors to a Company premises will wear a mask at all times (except when eating or drinking).

5.6 Given the close working environment we have, all employees should where their face mask at all times and ensure that customer contact happens behind the Perspex dividers in salon.

5.7 Any person who refuses to wear a mask will be refused entry to site unless an exemption applies.

5.8 Any person who takes off their mask (when it is mandated that they are required to wear a mask), except for when eating and drinking, will be required to leave the premises.

5.9 If a person has a medical exemption from wearing masks, they must provide full details and evidence of this to the Company. This is a necessary step to ensure that appropriate adaptations can be made in the workplace to ensure health and safety.

Complete a COVID-19 Health Check Questionnaire

5.10 If there is an increased risk of exposure, the Company may require employees to complete a COVID-19 Health Check Questionnaire.

5.11 The person must answer the following questions, for which a “yes” or “no” option for answering is provided:

(a) Do you have any COVID-19 symptoms such as (but not limited to) a fever, cough, runny nose, loss of taste or smell, or are you feeling unwell?

(b) Have you been in close contact with a known or suspected case of COVID-19, including:

(i) Are you living with someone who has COVID-19?
(ii) Are you living with someone awaiting COVID-19 test results?
(iii) Have you visited someone recently that has tested positive to COVID-19?
(iv) Have you visited any site considered as an exposure site by any Australian State or Territory Government at the time of entry?

(c) Have you travelled overseas (including to New Zealand, or any other country that Australia has a travel bubble with) or to any designated “Hotspot” in the past 14 days?

(d) Are you subject to an isolation directive from any State or Territory Government?

5.12 If any answer to any of the questions in 5.19 above is yes, the individual is likely to be refused entry to any Company site.

5.13 If an employee is found to have provided false or misleading information when responding to the COVID-19 Health Check Questionnaire they may be directed to leave the workplace, not return the workplace for a period of time and/or face disciplinary action.

5.14 The Company may also choose to implement this questionnaire for clients. The Company will advise employees if this step is to be taken.

Comply with additional hygiene processes

5.15 COVID-19 is an infectious disease and hygiene practices have long been identified as a practical measure to reducing the risk of transmission of COVID-19. Accordingly, the management of hygiene is of high importance in preventing the spread and infection of COVID-19.

5.16 In order to support this, all employees, contractors and visitors to any of the Company’s sites are asked to undertake the following steps:

5.17 On arrival:

(a) Do not enter the Company premises if you are unwell with any cold and flu-like symptoms.

(b) Do not enter the Company premises if you have answered yes to any of the questions on the COVID-19 Health Check Questionnaire.

(c) Limit the touching of any surfaces on entry to the Company premises.

(d) Utilise the hand sanitiser located at the entry to the Company premises.

(e) Maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters from any other person at all times.

(f) Dispose of any used masks as directed by the Company at each worksite and obtain a new mask (Company provided).

(g) Place any bags you have entered the office with on the ground and not on desks.

(h) If you bring any items or goods into the salon clean the exterior surfaces with an appropriate cleaning wipe or spray (Company supplied) and dispose of soiled wipes.

(i) Wipe down your desk area (if appliable) with an appropriate cleaning wipe (Company supplied) and dispose of soiled wipes immediately.

5.18 Whilst at work

(a) Practise physical distancing by maintaining a 1.5 metre distance between people.

(b) Follow directions in regard to the number of people allowable in each enclosed area.

(c) Understand and follow any individual COVID-19 workplace-based procedures and protocols developed for the office, and ensure any visitors also understand and follow these.

(d) Frequently wash hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water or use the Company provided alcohol-based hand sanitiser which you will find at regular intervals at any Company worksite.

(e) Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

(f) Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue and immediately dispose of the tissue after use.

(g) Clean and disinfect frequently used objects such as mobile phones, keys, wallets and security passes.

(h) Be extra attentive in cleaning up after yourself when using shared facilities such as the kitchen and bathroom and follow any protocols in place.

(i) Bring your own cutlery and crockery and do not share with anyone else.

(j) If you feel unwell with any cold and flu-like symptoms tell Joanne and then promptly leave work if it is safe for you to do so.

(k) Use any PPE provided to you.

(l) Ensure the Perspex dividers are always between you and the clients when providing nail services (except when at pedicure stations).

5.19 When leaving work:

(a) Wipe down your desk area (if applicable) with an appropriate cleaning wipe (Company provided) and dispose of soiled wipes immediately.

5.20 Disposable gloves and masks, hand sanitiser, anti-bacterial wipes, soap and paper towel dispensers have all been supplied in the Company’s worksites to support the health and hygiene of all employees and visitors to site. If you are struggling to locate any of the above, contact Joanne.


6.1 Should an employee breach any aspect of this policy, they may be endangering the health and safety of others. Due to the seriousness of this, disciplinary action may be taken. This action could include but is not limited to termination.


7.1 Employees of the Company have a duty to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and must not adversely affect the health and safety of other people. They must comply with any reasonable instruction and cooperate with any reasonable policy or procedure relating to health and safety at the workplace.

7.2 Employees are strongly encouraged to report any instance of anyone on site not following the required procedures outlined in this policy.


8.1 While the Company has not mandated vaccinations for COVID-19, the Company is very supportive of the COVID-19 vaccine roll out in Australia.

8.2 Employees of the Company are encouraged to consult with their medical advisors about their eligibility and suitability for vaccination.


9.1 The Company may (on government advice or recommendations) require clients to prove they have been vaccinated. If this measure is taken by the Company, we will assist employees in the evidence they should site.


10.1 Employees who have queries or require clarification of any issues in this policy should contact Joanne.